Notice of change of Pimexco Vietnam Company address

Pimexco Vietnam Company would like to inform our customers and partners about the change of the transaction office...

Pimexco Vietnam Company would like to inform our customers and partners about the change of the transaction office on the 6th floor, CTM building, No.299 Cau Giay Str, Dich Vong Ward, Cau Giay Dist, Hanoi City as of November 22nd, 2022 as follows:


Old office address:

6th floor, CTM building, No.299 Cau Giay Str, Dich Vong Ward, Cau Giay Dist, Hanoi City, Vietnam.

New office address:

Floor 11, Viet A Tower, No.9 Duy Tan Str, Dich Vong Hau Ward, Cau Giay Dist, Hanoi City, Vietnam.

From November 22nd, 2022, Our company moved its headquarters to the new address. For business transactions and appointments at Pimexco Vietnam Company, please contact the new company's address, contact phone number: (+84) 98 497 9758

This notice, is communicated in lieu of the official letter and sent it to our partners and customers. All our other activities in normative operation, no change.

We hope to receive better support and cooperation in the near future from our customers, partners and shareholders.

Sincerely thank you!

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